Lees hier het kwartaalrapport van april - juni 2024. Vanwege de start van het schooljaar is er veel aandacht voor de kinderen die geen mogelijkheid hebben tot het volgen van regulier onderwijs. Stichting Fian zet zich succesvol in voor deze groep kinderen met als doel zoveel mogelijk kinderen het regulier onderwijs in te krijgen. *Je kunt het verslag lezen door over de afbeelding te scrollen of het rapport te downloaden. Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Wij wensen jullie namens alle medewerkers en kinderen
een mooi, liefdevol én hoopvol 2024 toe. Hartelijk dank voor jullie steun aan Stichting Fian.
Lees hier het kwartaalverslag van de periode juli tot september 2023. Lees ook zeker het verhaal over Rania en Tasya, die dankzij de hulp van Harapan Fian weer kunnen genieten van het leven.
In mei jl. zijn we verhuisd naar een nieuwe shelter. De shelter staat in dezelfde kampong.
Dit huis is qua huur goedkoper. Hierdoor blijft er meer budget over voor onder andere onderwijs in de shelter aan de jongste kinderen. Liefs van ons team. Er is weer veel gedaan in de afgelopen 3 maanden. Neem een kijkje in het periodieke rapport.
Onderaan dit bericht vindt u het periodieke rapport van januari t/m maart 2023. Dit is een driemaandelijks verslag van de activiteiten die in de shelter plaatsvinden en de voortgang van de lopende projecten. Ook kunt u de in,- en uitgaven inzien. Dank voor uw steun aan Stichting Fian / Harapan Fian.
We verzamelen plastic in Yogya en krijgen "restafval" van de stoffenfabriek.
Hier maken de dames in de shelter onder leiding van Ika mooie toilettassen en clutches van. Ika doet mee aan een wedstrijd die een prijs uitreikt aan diegene die bijdraagt aan recycling. We hopen dat Ika wint! We first met Riki in 2013, when he was just 13 years old. Living on the street since he was 7 years old, with no knowledge of who his parents were nor documentation to prove his identity, Riki was prevented from accessing basic human rights and faced hardships on a daily basis. In 2016, Riki contracted a rare disease, dry patches spread around his body bringing with it a sense of numbness. Whilst Riki attempted to receive medical attention, visiting a local public health clinic, the doctors were unable to provide him with any proper help. This was an outcome of Riki’s position as an identity-less street youth limiting his ability to access proper medical help as well as his lack of the funds to pay for the treatments due to financial problems. By 2020, recognizing the gravity of his situation, Riki turned to us for help. The members of Harapan Fian took on Riki’s case instantly, assisting in Riki’s admission to a local hospital as well as further advocating for identity documentation on his behalf. During this time in the hospital Riki was finally diagnosed with a severe case of leprosy, this being due to the lack of treatment for such an extended period. Over the next month Harapan Fian engaged in fierce negotiations with numerous hospitals and health clinics, a key barrier being once again Riki’s lack of identification, this resulting in a refusal to treat his leprosy. Thankfully after extended negotiations, Riki was able to receive medical therapy. Our relationship with Riki continued for the next two years, as members of Harapan Fian would accompany Riki to his monthly examinations, acting as spokespersons and monitoring his recovery. By September 2022, with no leprosy bacteria left in his body, Riki had successfully completed his medical therapy. Whilst fully recovered from his condition and some breakthrough on the documentation front, Riki continues to struggle to attain a normal life. Wishing to get married in the near future, Riki once again has been restricted by his lack of critical documentation such as that of a birth certificate. If you would like to hear more about Riki’s story of supporting him in this next stage of his life, please reach out to the team at Harapan Fian. We first met Sintia in early 2016. At the time, Sintia was a single mother with only one child named Maria. She lived with her father in a scavenger settlement in the eastern part of Jogja. Due to her position as a street worker and also her Papuan heritage, Sintia faced daily discrimination and hardship, unable to access critical health and educational facilities due to her lack of identity documentation. Towards the end of 2020, Sintia informed us that she was pregnant again and had some serious health complications. Few months later, Sintia gave birth to two baby boys, twins, in a nearby hospital. However, the relief of a smooth delivery and swift recovery did not last long. On January 6, 2022, she contacted us once again, saying her sons were sick. The twins were suffering from a high fever and had some respiratory difficulties. While we were able to take and admit them to the Hospital, Sintia was prohibited from coming with us or visiting her children due to her lack of an identity card, birth certificate or health insurance. A critical part of Harapan Fian’s mission to support marginalised communities, is to advocate and provide documentation for the ‘invisible’ peoples of Yogyakarta, such as Sintia. Due to a lack of a fixed written procedure for gaining identification, varying across regional governments, assisting vulnerable citizens in this process is very difficult but also essential. Documentation marks the difference between life and death for all marginalised communities and especially children, holding the power to transform one’s quality of life. Thankfully, after advocating for Sintia to her local government, she was able to receive health insurance not only relieving her of the hospital fees but also paving the way for not only her own access to key institutions and rights but also her childrens’. Over the next few weeks we supported Sintia, making several interventions to support the health of her twins, suffering from malnourishment post hospitalisation. This process consisted of Harapan Fian’s members visiting Sintia once a week to provide additional nutritious food for her sons. Over the last seven months, we have kept in contact with Sintia and monitored the health and steady development of her children, particularly that of her twins. Recently another key milestone of our assistance to Sintia was reached. With the help of the government Sintia was also able to receive an Indonesian Identity Card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk) as well as birth certificates for her children! If you are interested in hearing more about Sintia’s story or would like to support Harapan Fian, please get in touch. |